
Showing posts with the label degreasing pretreatment tank

What is degreasing and why it is important for galvanization?

The pretreatment section is an essential and fundamental element of the hot-dip galvanization process. In addition to pickling tanks, the pretreatment section also comprises degreasing, rinsing, fluxing, and acid stripping tanks. All operations related to the chemical preparations of the metal/ steel object that has to pass through the galvanization process are conducted in the degreasing pretreatment tank . In this blog, our focus will remain on degreasing the pretreatment tank, and why this process is important to name a few. Learning about degreasing Galvanizers across the globe, including Ahmedabad, India are emphasizing this process as it’s an integral part of galvanization. Furthermore, the process of degreasing is also an integral element of the production process in numerous industries, including fabrication and assembling of metal parts (for example aircraft, appliances, automotive, electronics, and railroad). Degreasing is also called defatting or fat trimming. Why ...